Paris Astronomical Data Centre
Observatoire de Paris
The structure of VO-Paris Data Centre is composed of four main components.
- Directorate (direction): a director, a deputy director and a technical director are coordinating the VOPDC activities.
- Projects committee (Groupe Projets): six thematics (Atomic and molecular physics, VO Theory, Planetology, Heliophysics, Stars and distant universe, Reference systems and ephemerides) are coordinated by this committee. A scientific coordinator and a technical coordinator for each thematic are members of this committee. Three thematics are transverse to the scientific thematics (Education, Interoperability and workflow, Hardware infrastructure).This committee is chaired by the VOPDC director.
- VO Science council (Conseil scientique CSOV): the goal of this committee is to advise about the VOPDC activity. Its members are representatives of the laboratories involved in the data centre. They are scientific users of VO resources. Three members are external experts.This committee is chaired by the VOPDC director.
- Steering committee (comité de pilotage CoPil): the goal of the steering committee is to discuss and possibly to reinforce the level of resources allocated to the data centre. Its decisions are based on the CSOV advice.The members of the CoPil are the directors of the laboratories involved in VOPDC. This committee is chaired by the President of Paris Observatory.